United Citizen Ship (2016) Oil on canvas 48" x 48" Evoke Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
Lets face it: We live in a society that worships money and consumerism over all other things. We rarely question the imposed fictions of the financial institutions that rule our world and entire lives. We live as submissive sheep oblivious and following the Neo-liberal agenda while rapidly depleting the finite natural resources of this planet. Money stands as the supreme global religion that all can agree with and come together at the table. Very few dare to be blasphemous against the sacred rules of the Free Market so it's time we start our day with a few prayers:
To Our Holy Capital:
Our Capital, Who art in tax haven
Hallowed by Thy Name;
Thy corporations come,
Thy will be done,
on Main Street as it is in Wall Street.
Give us this day our consumer goods,
and forgive us our student loans,
as we forgive those who trespass our borders;
and lead us not into anarchy and revolution,
but deliver us from government regulations. Amen.
Adoracion Capital (2014) Oil on cavas 36" x 36" Henao Contemporary, Orlando, FL
To Mass Media:
Hail Mass Media, full of grace.
Our money is with thee
Blessed art thou among channels,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mass Media, Mother of Profit,
Pray for us consumers,
now and at the hour of our debt.
Virgen Protectora del Comercio (2013) Oil on canvas 48" x 48" Private Collection
be to the Free Market and to the Corporation and to the Holy Capital. As it was
in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Two Prayers to Consumerism:
El Santo Rey (2013) Oil and metal leaf on carved wood 8' tondo. Private Collection
“O Sacred Heart of Our Marvelous Magical
King, pour out your value meals upon our franchise, upon its managers, and upon
all its workers. Sustain the consumer demand, convert the non believers,
assist the customers, deliver the burgers in front of the house, and have it
your way always. Amen”.
La Inocente (2013) Oil and metal leaf on carved wood 8' tondo. Private Collection
“O Sacred Heart of Our Innocent Wendy, we entrust our
family, neighbor and homeland mealtime to you. Look down upon us and serve us your
Old Fashioned hamburgers from your blessed renewed Heart. Become our refuge in
life and our gateway to Food Paradise. Forgive our lack of appetite and awaken
our hunger that we may become your faithful consumers in this life and the
next, Amen”.